The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a health crisis. It has now spread to many countries and territories like the USA, UK, Brazil, Russia, Italy, India. People in a large number have died because of this pandemic across the world. National responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have included containment measures such as lockdowns, quarantines, and curfews
This pandemic has a great impact on the education system whether it is negative or positive. Schools, Colleges, Universities, and various other educational institutions in various Countries are closed since February. There is a high risk of spreading these diseases in these places. They are crowded places and it is difficult to maintain social distancing there. Due to all this education system is going through certain changes. Teachers, students, parents, all other educational authorities are facing new challenges. This COVID-19 has an impact in a bad way to our education system .Students are facing much loss in their studies. The quality of education has decreased. Teachers and authorities are all facing problems. They all have too much burden and pressure. They are not allowed to go to their educational institutions. Not only studies but the education department is going through economic loss also. Nobody has any choice but to deal with the disease by staying home and face the challenges.
Our education system was very different before the COVID-19 but now the situations are different. Colleges and schools are closed since March to date, this is a peak time for the students. During this period students get graduated, promoted to new classes/years/semesters. But due to COVID-19 the situation has changed. Exams have been postponed, canceled and degrees are postponed. Students promoted to next semesters/years, classes without exams. For boards students' situations are critical. Their career depends on these exams. Opportunities for students and teachers become less.
After this pandemic Internet has become an important source for education. Everything has changed to online mode. Institutions are now giving online classes to their children. Final year students and some others have their exams through online mode. The mode of entrance exams has changed. The schedule and procedures of admissions have changed. Admissions are happening in online mode. All educational authorities are working through the internet. Tests, assignments, preparations are happening through online mode.
Online mode helps a lot to the students and educational authorities in education .But this is not a solution. If we talk about these online methods they are not helpful to all. Each and every student does not have internet and smart devices. Some students do not have study materials. Students of classes like primary, first till fifth do not know how to use the Internet. Primary students do not even know how to write. There is no use of online classes for them. All parents and guardians of students are not educated. They all cannot afford teaching via online mode. They cannot help their children in their studies. Every teacher is also not familiar with the use of the internet, laptops, tabs, etc. They cannot easily change their method of teaching from offline to online. It is very challenging for some of the teachers to teach through online mode. In various areas, there is a problem of the Internet like hilly, backward areas, and states like J&K.
The system has some positive impacts too. Students, teachers, and parents need not go outside during this time. They can do work from their homes. All are learning new technologies. They are learning the uses and benefits of the Internet and smart devices. They all are getting prepared for the future if anything like this happens in the future. With the help of the internet, they can study throughout the countries. This time can be utilized by them to learn new things.
COVID-19 has much impact on the education system. It has some positive impact on the system. We all are learning to overcome problems like this. We are preparing for the future. According to me as a law student, it has a more negative impact than positive. The time when we supposed to go to courts, tribunals, etc, and learn practically. We are sitting at home and trying to utilize our time in any way. Things which we can learn practically and by being physically present, we cannot learn that thing via the Internet. This pandemic has changed the education system for all the students and educational authorities. It has created certain challenges for the education system. The current situation of our education system is not good as it was before COVID-19 Education system was different before COVID-19 and now it is different.
(The impact COVID-19 has had on education around the world, 2020)
About Author
I am Preeti Chauhan student of B.A.LL.B (3rdy year) of Delhi metropolitan education.
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